Comparing the affordability and flexibility of the Planet Dove constellation and DigitalGlobe's satellite imagery

October 20, 2021

Satellite technology has revolutionized the way we map our planet. With the increase in demand for satellite images and maps, it has become increasingly difficult to choose the best one for our needs. In this blog post, the Flare Compare Team will compare two of the most popular satellite imaging options - Planet Dove constellation and DigitalGlobe's satellite imagery. This comparison will be based on the affordability and flexibility of the two options.

Planet Dove Constellation

Planet Dove Constellation is a collection of satellites that are controlled by Planet, a private satellite imaging company. The largest constellation in the world, the Planet Dove Constellation, consists of over 150 satellites. These satellites utilize advanced imaging technology to provide high-resolution images of the Earth's surface.


One of the standout features of the Planet Dove constellation is that it is incredibly affordable. According to Planet's website, their per-kilometer pricing is twelve times less than their competitors. They offer a subscription model, allowing you to purchase satellite images only as frequently as you need them.


Planet Dove's constellation is incredibly flexible. It can capture images of the entire Earth's landmass every day, as well as images of entire countries multiple times a day. This is a significant advantage over other satellite imaging options whose satellites only capture images of certain locations at specific times.

DigitalGlobe Satellite Imagery

DigitalGlobe is another popular satellite imaging option. They offer a vast array of satellite imagery and mapping services. DigitalGlobe's satellites utilize advanced imaging technology, including Multispectral Imaging, Short-Wave Infrared, and pushbroom imaging.


DigitalGlobe's satellite imagery is on the more expensive side. Their imagery is priced per square kilometer, and requiring a set minimum order amount. While they may be more expensive, there is an argument that for certain applications they provide a higher resolution that is worth the extra cost.


DigitalGlobe is incredibly flexible with their offerings. They offer a vast library of archived images that you can access at any time. This is particularly useful if you need images of a specific site or location from some time in the past.


So, which option is better - the affordable and flexible Planet Dove constellation or the pricey but high-resolution DigitalGlobe satellite imagery? Well, it depends on your needs. If you need high-resolution images of a specific site from the past, DigitalGlobe may be the better option. If you need frequent, affordable images of multiple locations, the Planet Dove constellation is the clear choice.


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